About Us

Railing and OceanOur Goal:

Protect, preserve and build on Pleasure Point’s unique character and surroundings.

Who we are:

Save Pleasure Point’s Volunteer Steering Committee (alpha order): Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Robert Fernander, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romeo, Debbie Shulman, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter

Our Area of Interest/Concern:

Development projects on Portola Dr.
Speed, Trucks and On-street parking concerns for the Avenues from 41st Ave to 23rd Ave from the ocean to the railroad tracks.

We DO Endorse Economic Growth in our business/shopping area. However, commercial development interests should not add stress to Pleasure Point’s infrastructure.

In 2017 Save Pleasure Point drew up a “Save Pleasure Point Want List” for Portola noting it was essential that our vibe and energy be protected AND that Portola Drive should not end up looking like Mission St or Upper 41st Ave. We posted “want list” signs throughout the neighborhood and leafleted over 900 homes.

Our visible efforts generated 3 community meetings (initiated by Supervisor John Leopold) with the outcome becoming the Portola Commercial Project Design Guidelines; these Guidelines were adopted by the Bd of Supervisors Dec. 2018 (final ok is tied into the Co’s Sustainable Plan). Currently all development projects on Portola are scrutinized using these guidelines including that new or re-do designs are appropriate for Pleasure Point regarding height, design, on-site parking. There will be NO 4 + story buildings and the character of Lower 41st Ave will be carried around onto Portola.

History: Save Pleasure Point came together in late 2015 when 250+ neighbors felt The Lumberyard, a commercial project at 38th and Portola, would negatively affect the neighborhood regarding traffic, parking and other issues. Our efforts came too late!

Our work begins with learning about the project’s concepts by attending the required public project plan meeting, reviewing current plans and any change, reviewing code, identifying problematic design or site issues and communicating such to the developer, the project’s county planner and our Supervisor.

Save Pleasure Point keeps neighbors informed via our Save Pleasure Point website, Next-door and Facebook posts. As necessary we need your participation of support including attending protests, signing petitions, writing appeals and letter-writing campaigns, leafleting and speaking at public hearings

Where is Pleasure Point:

41st Ave. to 26th Ave. from the ocean to the railroad tracks
Save Pleasure Point came together in late 2015 when 250+ neighbors felt The Lumberyard, a commercial project at 38th and Portola, would negatively affect the neighborhood regarding traffic, parking and other issues. Unfortunately, our efforts came too late in the planning process, despite our appeal to the Coastal Commission.

We learned that our efforts must begin with the first public meeting on any project; actions include reviewing plans, identifying any problems that need more attention, communicating with the developer, the county planner in charge of the project and Supervisor John Leopold, keeping neighbors informed, if necessary, organizing protests, petitions, appeals, etc.

Contact us: info@savepleasurepoint.net