Protecting, Preserving & Enhancing
The Character of Pleasure Point
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About Us

We are an informal group of residents, property and business owners who want to protect, preserve and enhance the character of Pleasure Point.
Save Pleasure Point came together in late 2015 when 200+ neighbors felt The Lumberyard, a commercial project at 38th and Portola, would negatively affect the neighborhood due to increased traffic, parking, and other issues. Unfortunately, our efforts came too late in the planning process, despite our appeal to the Coastal Commission. We endorse economic growth in Pleasure Point’s commercial zoned areas. However, these interests should not add stress to Pleasure Point’s infrastructure and residential areas.
We believe that new construction should be appropriate for Pleasure Point – in terms of height, design, and on-site parking.
Recent Posts
The County of Santa Cruz has just released their Sustainability Update
The Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update is a comprehensive update to the County’s General Plan/Local Coastal Program and modernization of the County Code. The goal of this update is to implement new policies and code regulations that support more sustainable...
· Opal Cliff Motors/Cliff Cafe parcel (Lower 41st & Portola corner): they are working inside the Opal Cliffs Motors building including taking the hoist out and will be moving more extensively on this remodel soon (Opal Cliffs will become a retail shop; Cliff Café will...
Save Pleasure Point (SPPt) Steering Committee Seeks Members!
Save Pleasure Point is an informal group of PPt residents, property owners and business owners working to protect, preserve, and build on PPts unique character and surroundings by networking with county the Planning Department and applicants of new or remodel projects...
Ecology Action has released the survey of the June 2021 Bike Installation Project on Portola Drive
Dear Friends of Save Pleasure Point, Ecology Action has released the survey of the June 2021 Bike Installation Project on Portola Drive along with a press release and traffic study issues related to this project. Here is the link to the survey:...
Save Pleasure Point – Portola Drive Commercial Development – August 2021 Update
Opal Cliffs Motors - Cliff Café Bldg. – 03206113 The Novak’s permit for a retail shop and patio for Cliff Café is in process. When the change of use permit application is deemed complete public notice will go up and notices will be sent out to neighbors within 300...
Flashing Crosswalk Lights are THANKS to Save Pleasure Point’s efforts!!!
Flashing Crosswalk Lights are THANKS to Save Pleasure Point's efforts. Regarding Manu's 7/6 meeting here is a correction to "thank you's": the crosswalk "lights" at 32nd and 36th did not come into being easily: for over 2 years Save Pleasure Point (SPPt) repeatedly...