Dear Neighbors – Save Pleasure Point (SPPt) thanks YOU for your time answering our 8 Survey questions. KUDOS to SPPt Steering Committee member JO ANN ALLEN for her expertise setting up and managing this survey process: she’s done fantastic work!
County’s 2022 Sustainable Plan: Wednesday’s 4/20 Community Meeting #4 is important to attend as it will include Planning’s proposed re-zoning of 9 parcels on Portola Dr. (30th – 36th). The County’s site: click on upcoming events to get their codes to enter this 4/20 meeting:
Amplification/Clarification Re: Survey Questions 4 & 5 re: proposed units per acre are clarified below; this clarification does not change survey feedback results:
> > Proposed is rezoning 9 parcels/4.61 acres on Portola from 30th – 36th Ave
> > Re-zoning is to allow up to 45 units per 1 acre
> > Which could be 207 units on 4.61 acres (45 x 4.61)
> > Developer Density Bonus allowances can increase a project’s size by 50-80% more units
> > Density bonus allowances for a 100% affordable housing project can grow a 45-unit project to 81-units per acre: up to 373 units on 4.61 acres (81x 4.61)
> > > > Example: Under bonus allowances the Pleasure Point Plaza project grew from 22 units to 33 (4 very low-income units)
Since these community workshops began, Save Pleasure Point has been putting together a “position” paper regarding issues and concerns that reflect how County proposals will impact PPt. Our survey’s results will be sent with this document to County Leads over this Plan and to Supervisor Koening. We will post “everything” on Nextdoor approximately 2.5 weeks later as by then the “send-ees” will have had time to review our comments.
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