Our goal is to grow our “village’s” style and vibe. To protect, preserve, and build on PPt’s unique character and surroundings along the Portola Dr Commercial Corridor and resolve infra-structure concerns affecting our neighborhood!!

SPPt is “YOU – US”! Stay in the know add your name and email to We pass PPt development information and news via Nextdoor posts; our website:; Facebook: savepleasurepoint, posters and emails.

SPPt is not anti-growth AND we support the critical need for housing. The County’s new Sustainable Plan and Housing Element has been ok’d so it is likely new applications and permits will be again be getting issued for housing and mixed-use projects on Portola Dr. SPPt’s organizing efforts with your participation generated Portola’s Commercial Corridor’s Design Guidelines: new and re-do projects on Portola are to reflect, complement Lower 41st’s boutique charm and character, our coastal path and surf areas. Let’s make sure these guidelines stay adhered to!

Here’s a May 2024 Portola Dr. update:
– The Pietro’s have withdrawn their application for an Amendment to their Lumberyard project (38th & Portola). As a result, the original permit initially issued in 2016 to Northpoint, the original owners of the parcel with extensions by the Pietro’s is now officially void. They are still trying to sell the parcel and feel a new buyer will have their own ideas for a project on the parcel.
– Abbas H has submitted an application to extend his application for his Pleasure Point Plaza project (across from SUDA). His extension may be approved by early December. Under the new Sustainability Plan and Housing Element and use of diversity bonuses he might ask to increase the project’s number of units (currently permitted is 33 + retail space) – stay tuned!
– Back in Shape is considering a beer garden for the vacant portion of their property. Last year’s beer garden events held there were successful – enjoyed.
– The old Opal Cliff’s auto shop at 41st & Portola is on its way to being finished – it will be a retail clothing store. Next door -the now closed East Cliff Café – remains closed.
– At the former Chill-Out next to Penny Ice Cream there’s a change of use permit with an addition/remodel for a Mad Yolks (deli/sandwich shop).
– Vacant lot next to Canton: a small hotel is planned; the developers have met with the neighbors concerned about inadequate on-site parking that will force more cars in front of their homes; they are also concerned about hotel lighting beaming into their yards.
– The old Ed’s Auto building at 38th & Portola is going to be re-painted; which new color is close to getting a decision.

Via new legislation, the State now says that on-site parking is not “so necessary”! We will continue to push back: we feel a developer’s private project (tenants or businesses) should not make PPt’ limited on-street public parking needed by locals and visitors worse!

We hope you are using the flashing beacon lights at the 26th, 32nd & 36th Ave – Portola crosswalks; SPPt worked hard to convince the County to install them: using them confirms our advocacy was on target.!!!

Issues we’re currently working on include.
– Improving the Moran Lake/Beach area. Our SPPt committee member Vanessa Young led the effort to get the new flashing beacon at Moran’s crosswalk installed
– Speeding in the Avenues: too many drivers are breezing through stop signs ignoring “slow your roll.”
– Our efforts got big trucks off 36th at Cat & Cloud; recently trucks began dropping shipments on 38th blocking traffic – pedestrian safety issues. Sadly, the County has ok’d certain hours to use our residential streets as truck routes; SPPt disagreed in 2018 and are doing so again.
– Send us your concerns!

SPPt’s style is friendly yet firm. Former Supervisor Leopold and current Supervisor Koenig know that when SSPt sends out an “issue alert” PPt neighbors mobilize to share their say! Join us to keep this momentum going!

Save Pleasure Point’s Steering Committee: Jo Ann Allen, Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romero, Matt McMillan, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter, Vanessa Young (all PPt residents, property owners and business owners)

Planning Commisisoner Seat District

April 9, 2024
Dear Supervisor Koenig,
This is a formal request that Tim Gordin be replaced as your District 1 representative on our County’s Planning Commission.

As CEO of Workbench, Mr. Gordin is a developer. His lengthy discussion in the Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 6, 2024) supporting Workbench’s proposed 18-story building in downtown Santa Cruz specifically outlines his philosophy that includes projects having maximum density and substantial height. Note: we respect Workbench’s commitment to provide more low-income units than required; it is unfortunate that all developers do not do such.

We re-iterate that development on Portola’s Commercial Corridor is welcomed. The Pleasure Point Guidelines and Design Principles envision that development on Portola whether – all commercial, multi-use or housing – be characterized by varied architectural styles and sizes compatible to nurture and foster Pleasure Point’s style and local character.

Per his statements: we respectfully question Mr. Gordin’s ability to act impartially with understanding, appreciation and the obligation for a middle ground which is preserving our community’s uniqueness to a developer’s wants for size, density and profit.

We ask that you when replace Mr. Gordon that you do not seat another developer (or the like) in this position.
Submitted by Save Pleasure Point’s Steering Committee: Jo Ann Allen, Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romero, Matt McMillan, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter, Vanessa Young (all PPt residents, property and business owners)

Support getting an activated (flasher) beacon for the Moran Beach crosswalk

Support getting an activated (flasher) beacon for the Moran Beach crosswalk in place before the summer crowds start! – Flashing Crosswalk for Moran Beach organized by Vanessa Young

East Cliff (ECl) is one of PPt’s two main access/exit roads.

Rain or shine Moran has become a very popular beach; it requires crossing East Cliff to access it.

Whether driving down the hill or coming around the bend on East Cliff too many drivers are not aware of its crosswalk; many pedestrians going to Moran or leaving it head out into the street unaware a car is coming – there have been many near misses.

At this time FEMA money has not come into the County for winter storm repairs; the budget cannot cover this expense until next year.

This activation system needs to be put in sooner than later. Let’s make this activated beacon happen! Save Pleasure Point (SPPt) supports this effort and hopes you will donate now!; Save Pleasure Point Steering Committee: Jo Ann Allen, Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romero, Matt McMillan, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter (all PPt residents, property owners and business owners)

The 2022 Sustainability Plan includes the Co’s proposal to re-zone most of Portola to urban residential high density zoning

Hi everyone! PLEZ send emails NOW! The 2022 Sustainability Plan includes the Co’s proposal to re-zone most of Portola to urban residential high density zoning (9 undeveloped parcels immediately impacted). Planning Commissioners next meet re: this Plan on July 13.

SPPt supports growth and housing yet feels this zoning classification is infastructure overload. Concerns include no date and no funding for Portola improvements yet more cars use it all the time; the Plan reduces on-site parking requirements, there’s no increase in public transportation services and more!

1. 45 units per 1 acre is 207 units on 4.61 acres
2.. Developer Density Bonus allowances can JUMP 45 units to 81 units per 1 acre = 373 units on 4.61 acres

1. 28 units per 1 acre = 129 units on 4.61 acres; 30 units per 1 acre = 138 units on 4.61 acres
2. Developer Density Bonuses allowances can JUMP 28 units to 50 units per 1 acre and to 232 units on 4.61 acres; 30 units jump to 54 units per 1 acre and to 249 units on 4.61 acres
3.. NO to heights over 35 feet, four (4) stories and/or higher

NOTE: Flashing beacons at 3 crosswalks are due to loud advocacy to PWks by SPPt. The 3 2017-18 Community mtgs were also initiated per SPPt’s efforts > these meetings produced the Portola Commercial Design Guidelines which are Appendix B in the Sustainability Plan.

If we stay united we can Save Pleasure Pt’s vibrancy plus make “us” better! Act now – please email:;;; AND to Planning Commisioners Lazenby, Gordon, Shaffer-Frietas, Dann and Shepherd via; Michael is liaison their person

For more see my May 16 2022 post and JoAnne Allen’s post of SPPt’s survey results: our 8 questions got 97 responses in a 1 week!! SAVE PLEASURE POINT Steering Committee (SPPt; alpha order) JoAnn Allen, Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Matt McMillan, Padi Romero, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter