April 9, 2024
Dear Supervisor Koenig,
This is a formal request that Tim Gordin be replaced as your District 1 representative on our County’s Planning Commission.

As CEO of Workbench, Mr. Gordin is a developer. His lengthy discussion in the Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 6, 2024) supporting Workbench’s proposed 18-story building in downtown Santa Cruz specifically outlines his philosophy that includes projects having maximum density and substantial height. Note: we respect Workbench’s commitment to provide more low-income units than required; it is unfortunate that all developers do not do such.

We re-iterate that development on Portola’s Commercial Corridor is welcomed. The Pleasure Point Guidelines and Design Principles envision that development on Portola whether – all commercial, multi-use or housing – be characterized by varied architectural styles and sizes compatible to nurture and foster Pleasure Point’s style and local character.

Per his statements: we respectfully question Mr. Gordin’s ability to act impartially with understanding, appreciation and the obligation for a middle ground which is preserving our community’s uniqueness to a developer’s wants for size, density and profit.

We ask that you when replace Mr. Gordon that you do not seat another developer (or the like) in this position.
Submitted by Save Pleasure Point’s Steering Committee: Jo Ann Allen, Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romero, Matt McMillan, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter, Vanessa Young (all PPt residents, property and business owners)